Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Blog Challenge Day 1 - 30 facts about myself

1.My name is Sherene, you can call me JiaZhen/Sherene/Rene or whatever :)
2.Born on 1999/3/14
2.I'll be a 14 years young girl soon!
4.I have a short, super straight hair
5.I think I am a optimistic girl
6.I'm a very realistic person
7.I'm a sensitive person
8.I wear glasses
9.I live with my mummy
10.I'm really bad at cook
11.I'm right-handed
12.I want a guitar
13.I kind of play piano, just not very well
14.I wanna learn hip-hop
15.My lucky number is 5
16.I can speak 3 languages
17.I def want to travel one day
18.Purple and Blue is my fave color
19.I love to eat fruit after dinner
20.I do embarrassing stuff a lot,especially at school!
21.I love to give people nicknames
22.If any of my friends are upset, I like to do my best to cheer them up
23.I can skate
24.I want a new phone! (How about i-phone5)
25.Twitter or Facebook? Defs Twitter
26.I love to type 'dude' to my friend in text
27.I can't draw
28.I'm lazy at doing homework
29.I don't know how to swim
30.I always do my BEST to do a stuff that I like

That's it :) 30 facts.

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