Saturday, June 29, 2013


゜・。。・゜゜・。 。・゜゜・。。・゜

Hi everyone!
Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!

゜・。。・゜゜・。 。・゜゜・。。・゜

These days... I'm so lazy to update my blog. 
Bcoz the school stuff...
Yesterday... Friday... 
It's a pretty good day and truly bad day...
Yep~ The teacher... 

Okay... I think it's a 'short' story...

She told us to get our exercise paper from her...
Then, i didn't found my paper!

I ask her: Mane saye punye teacher? 
She said: You didn't pass up yet...
Me: I dah hantar-lar teacher.
She: So...You absent that day?
Me: I ade datang hari tu...

Yeah... She didn't know where my paper is....
And the excuses went on...

After that, she gave me a new one.
That's mean, I want to do this exercise again-lar?!

Idk why...She is starting scolding us...
I mean a whole class.
*Idk what is she scolding about*
But I know she is insult us...

She said to Sharon: Jika awak selalu dengan Jazz akan menyebabkan dia lebih malas!

OMG!!! Sharon is a super bad girl ehh?

She also said to Sharon: If you continue with this attitude, are you suitable in Convent?!

This is so hurt-leh, you know!

Oh yah
She also said: Orang yang bodoh mesti bodoh punye, orang yang pandai dia mesti pandai.

Heyy~ Wait... What does you're mean?
Kite bodoh ehh?


゜・。。・゜゜・。 。・゜゜・。。・

- All I is said is true -
- Cerita yang I cakap adalah betul -  
- 我说的都是真的 -

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