Thursday, March 13, 2014


OMG! I'm so so so so so so so HAPPY today :')
It is because tmr is my birthday, and we didn't got school tmr
So, today, my beloved classmates sang the HappyBirthday song for me.
Yes, I didn't think that they know my birthday.
When they started sing the Birthday song, I didnt know they were singing for me.
And Im just... I want to cry :')

My face was turning red, and somebody said: "Oh muka Sherene dah merah dah"
Ahhhhhhhhh~ >.<
I'm so shy, trying to hide my face and turned back because i dont want anybody to see my face except girls.

When waktu Moral,
Some of my chinese girls sang the birthday song for me too.
awwwww :)
I think their birthday song got 3 languages (Eng, 华, and Korean). ahahha.

To all my friends: 
Thank You so much!!! :D
♥ I love you 

- End -

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