Sunday, November 4, 2012

13 , the LUCKY one.

Hello ~
I'm a 14 years 'young'  soon !
I'm sooooo excited~
Time off really fast.
 ( but I'm still wild and young )

___Write everything that popped up in my mind___
  1. I want a new phone. (Seriously, can I have a I-phone 5?) jokes~
  2. I want to learn Hip Hop ! (Oh yeah!That's cool !)

  3.  I love One Direction !!!(Ahahaha~ They are so adorable!)
  4.  Bronte followed Sherene on Twitter. (I Love You Bronte!Do you follow me?)
  5.  I am a women 'GIRL' already. (1st day = 1/11/2012)
  6.  I always play Turn Up The Love when I was boring. 
    (I like its melody, especially the girl's sound.AMAZING)
  7.  Final exam is OVER ! Hooray ~~
  8.  I'm in Form 2 next year !(I hope I still in Class_BERLIAN)
  9.  I want a guitar ! (Excited~~~~)
 10.  I hate number 4!
    (Its becuz I always got a red circle on my exam paper and the question is No.4!)
 11.  I just know Zac Efron as Mike in #17again. LOL, but he is so handsome !
 12.  I'll travel to anywhere and live at the country that I like. 
    (I'm serious!I'll also bring my family to there.) 
  I HOPE. 
 13.  Always 13

- END -

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