Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Change Your Fate .

Aww~ This is a touching Disney cartoon movie.
I watched it yesterday. (19/11/2012)


Princess Merida is an archer living in the Scottish kingdom with her mother (Elinor) , her father (Fergus) and three brothers.
On Merida's birthday, Fergus gives Merida a bow and arrow as a birthday present.
After retrieving an arrow accidentally fired into the woods, Merida's family are attacked by an accident bear.
Elinor and Merida flee, while Fergus stays to battle the bear.
Later, Fergus loses his leg and vows to find him again and finish what he started.
Despite Elinor's intention of having Merida become a princess, but Merida is determined to seek freedom.
. . . . . . .

Merida and her mother ( Elinor)
Did you want to know why Elinor change into a bear?
Watch this movie now!


If you could change your fate,
Would you ?

- End -

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