Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chinese New Year 2014

Hi !!!!!!!
I update 2 post today hahhaha~

So how was your holidays? :)
Mine? Not bad larr~
When we reached AhMa's house,
I helped my mum to decorate the house.
And this is what I did.
Not bad right? xD hahhaha~

About7pm, we started our reunion dinner!
I love what my family do for the reunion dishes.
We also got steambot for our dinner :D
Arghhh I love food!!!!!! I miss that moment so so so so so so so so much!

I still remember I'm the last one who leave the table.

on ChuXiYe (12:00am) we can see the 30minutes fireworks!
but this year, the fireworks just performed 15minutes only :(( idk why..

and I sleep early this year, i went bed about 1:00am
but 以前 i went bed about 3am or 4am you know!
because of chinese's traditional, we sleep lately mean that our parents' will live longevity.
:( 好可惜啊~~~

ChuYi, we woke up quite late this year.
It is because we woke up 8am before, but this year I woke up on 10am!
I felt so weird because Im not the only one who woke up so late in CNY.
And we started visit relatives house about 11:20am?
So WEIRD ! we never visit them so late you know!

(AhMa's house, look at the background, 很有新年的fu~勒)

Oh! We also visit auntie's house this year! Yep, for the first time.

Ignore my face there-.- *awkward smile*

Chu1 night,
we started gambling!
Ah Boy was fooling RongZheng because he saw RZphone's wallpaper is TaeYeon, 
and I just cant stop laughing!!!
Ah Boy: "We bring the boys out~xD" *he dance*


ChuEr is quite boring btw. We stayed at home all the time!

Me and TongTong! The 4D number couple.
6887 / 8768 hahahahhahaha

We went to Rambah today!

Our camera cannot captured the moment when we're jumping.

My cousin took this.

That's all :)

- End -

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