Sunday, April 6, 2014

My dad can drive(?)

So I've got tuition 2days a week...
Sunday and Friday
As usual, I always tumpang my neighbor's car to the tuition center..
My neighbor, Jazz called me...
She told me she was not at home and got something important to do and maybe not going to tuition(?)
so... "Daddy!!!!! dai wo qu bu xi!"
*He's starting the engine* *reverse the car* *Im standing at the gate and staring at him anxiously*
I'm very worried about mum's car you know...
like dad cannot drive-__-

When I go into the car, I just cant stop laughing..*omgxD
I asked him : "Can you drive?o.0"
He: ...*he paused at a few seconds* Can...I can drive!!! I just didnt touched your mom's car in a fewwww months..But I can drive auto car quite well..
*btw my mum's car is "non-auto car"*
Im thinking "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG seriously?!!...mummy where are you" LOL

We're in car...But I feel like Im on the carousel...
Sometimes were high and sometimes were low..ermmm..idk how to describe it...
he always break, break, break....
Ermmmm... oh yah! like the car was "coughing"..Yep!!! "coughing"...*can you imagine it?-__-*
this is better... can clearly describe our car.

Something really hilarious happened when he reached the 'T'shape-road...
He break again....*clear...there's no car in front,left and right of us*then he moved the car...
The car was stop unexpectedly.
The car cannot move and stopped in the middle of the road!!!!!!!!!!!! what??!
He restart the car again and again, again and again.... it's about 5 to 6 times and finally....
The car can move!!!
"ohh...thank god! :)"
Blacky (the car) were not happy to let daddy drive..maybe(?)

Oh yah! When I reached the tuition center..
My dad didnt even waited for me until I closed the car's door!!! and he was moving the car on the spot!
Anyway, he sent me and back to home safely.. :)

- End -

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