Saturday, November 24, 2012

Be at a loss.

Arghhh~ I don't wanna back to Pontian !
No!Is WE don't wanna back to Pontian~~~
WTF What can I do?!

That's very boring.

Ermmm... My girl cry last night!
Aww~ She is BEA, Beatrice Miller

Simon sent her home :(
I'm so SAD. . .
It's okey~ You can go far sweetie :) REALLY!

I want to cry :(





[= End =]

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Change Your Fate .

Aww~ This is a touching Disney cartoon movie.
I watched it yesterday. (19/11/2012)


Princess Merida is an archer living in the Scottish kingdom with her mother (Elinor) , her father (Fergus) and three brothers.
On Merida's birthday, Fergus gives Merida a bow and arrow as a birthday present.
After retrieving an arrow accidentally fired into the woods, Merida's family are attacked by an accident bear.
Elinor and Merida flee, while Fergus stays to battle the bear.
Later, Fergus loses his leg and vows to find him again and finish what he started.
Despite Elinor's intention of having Merida become a princess, but Merida is determined to seek freedom.
. . . . . . .

Merida and her mother ( Elinor)
Did you want to know why Elinor change into a bear?
Watch this movie now!


If you could change your fate,
Would you ?

- End -

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Things that happened in Twitter.

1. When people spam-tweet emotional tweets.

Okay I got it, poor you. . . 
You must keep some stuff to yourself and not post almost EVERYTHING you're thinking.

2. When people are tweeting like they are super famous and all-that when they are not.

Too much EGOS will KILL your talent.

3. When people follow then unfollow.

If you wanna unfollow me, please don't follow me.
Thank You :)

4. Tweet wars.

You can call or talk to her/him face to face. 
Nobody wants to witness that. . .

5.  Tweeeeeeet quote twitters.

I really like your tweet, that's so meaningfully...
But...Can you limited your tweet?
Thx again :)
. . .

6. "Follow me @BeatriceMiller" ...

Sometimes I'm just like that. >.<
Because I'm little bit jealous of someone that got my idols' follow !
It just annoys me slightly that ALL your tweets are about asking them to follow you
Therefore, you can changing somethings that asking then to follow you :)

I'm not saying you can't tweet whatever you want.
I'm just listing the things that witness by me on Twitter. . .

Nah~ I'm not hating anyone ... :)
Oh yeah ! You can follow me on Twitter.
@SherenHo or #Fansgirlmode - @Sherene_Ho
Tweet me for a follow back.

 - END - 

Friday, November 9, 2012

You Are BEAutiful.

Beatrice Miller is no stranger to singing on a huge stage in front of massive audience.

Beatrice Miller performs David Guetta featuring Sia's "Titanium." 
"That was fresh," said
Britney Spears thinks Betarice Miller is "a star"!
Beatrice Miller performs the Goo Goo Dolls' "Iris."


I really really really like @BeatriceMiller !
She is so adorable and cool !
Yeah~ She had a rocks sound too!

13 young on February 17th

Maplewood, NJ  

Avril Lavigne

First Performance:
Age 9, U.S. Open

Guilty Pleasures:
Doing crazy dangerous things

So can I say she's very fashion?

Its because she always had her style !


This also is the reason that I became a

' BEAst '

Bracelets never 'leaves' her hand. =]


That's cool

Wow~~~ =]
Proud of you, Bea!


  BEAlieve in yourself  


  BEAliever always BEAlieve you.  

Being BEAutiful...

Source photo:

 - END - 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


A little bit dislike holidays because i don't want to stay at home alone.
Arghh~~~ >.<

Just 22 people there...
(Somebody did't come to school and somebody don't want to take photo)

( Draw by Hanna )

18 = girls
17 = boys
Total = 35

Girls :

LiLing, HuiShan, Aqilah, Hanna, Yi Jie, Adibah, Ivy, SuShin, Yinny, Raihana, Hushantini, ChuHan, Nurin, YeeXuan, Ummul, Elina, Iffah and Sherene !

Boys :

Aman, Shafiq, Eugene, Gokul, HanSong, Melvin, Divaan, Anjaz, Neufal, Fuad, Izakwan, Hakim, Ammar, Zikri, Thunesver, Zamirul, Yusof.

Games time !

<-- Aqilah, Hanna and I.

YeeXuan and I --->

Nurin, YeeXuan, Iffah, Elina and I. 


YeeXuan and I.

Nurin and I.

'Elinabeth' and I. xD


Laugh Out Loud

Inbetweeners dance GO!

-  Bye Bye -


Sunday, November 4, 2012

13 , the LUCKY one.

Hello ~
I'm a 14 years 'young'  soon !
I'm sooooo excited~
Time off really fast.
 ( but I'm still wild and young )

___Write everything that popped up in my mind___
  1. I want a new phone. (Seriously, can I have a I-phone 5?) jokes~
  2. I want to learn Hip Hop ! (Oh yeah!That's cool !)

  3.  I love One Direction !!!(Ahahaha~ They are so adorable!)
  4.  Bronte followed Sherene on Twitter. (I Love You Bronte!Do you follow me?)
  5.  I am a women 'GIRL' already. (1st day = 1/11/2012)
  6.  I always play Turn Up The Love when I was boring. 
    (I like its melody, especially the girl's sound.AMAZING)
  7.  Final exam is OVER ! Hooray ~~
  8.  I'm in Form 2 next year !(I hope I still in Class_BERLIAN)
  9.  I want a guitar ! (Excited~~~~)
 10.  I hate number 4!
    (Its becuz I always got a red circle on my exam paper and the question is No.4!)
 11.  I just know Zac Efron as Mike in #17again. LOL, but he is so handsome !
 12.  I'll travel to anywhere and live at the country that I like. 
    (I'm serious!I'll also bring my family to there.) 
  I HOPE. 
 13.  Always 13

- END -