Thursday, February 27, 2014

2NE1's new album released!

2NE1 <Crush> released yesterday!!!!!!
and I just listened to their <Crush> for the first time just now and keep repeat all the songs! 
All of them are.perfect.
Kind like swaggy, cool... and I love that, so much!

My current favorite is Come Back Home and Gotta Be You
I adore Teddy oppa so much, he is so talented! He write most of 2NE1 and BIGBANG's songs..
Teddy will be the one of the legend in YG family i bet, for sure :)

okay, back to my topic...
I love Come Back Home and Gotta Be You is because they are...
they make me want to stand up and dance whatever...
I love all the songs in <Crush> but that 2 songs are the favorite 2 that i listen for the first time
The unplugged Come Back Home is perfect too!
"One, two, three...lalalalalla~"
Arrrr...... I cant stop playing that song:3
my favorite part in Gotta Be You is Park Bom's.
the song is like roller coaster, like is almost over...then Bom's part, high note of the song
I gotta an excitement to dance.

Let's talk about Crush.
Im a little bit pity about CL because...
"Nan sa ga ji" part
"Nan sa ga ji" mean "Imma bitch" and CL will sing that all the time, I think.
Or maybe they will do the clean version on live show.
BTW, my favorite part in this song is "NOLZA heyheyhey..." there, almost the end of the song.

I love this song too.
The lyric is like "I wish you could be me, I wish I could be you, I wish you just could feel it for just a day..."
And it was something like couple's song, quite nice... I love the melody of this song:)

CL's new solo is cool~~~~~~~ MTBD 
The beat is really nice.. I like it. It is little bit like Top's Doom Da Da, hahha
The Baddest Female kill y'all :D 

Ermmmm... That's all...
I didnt mention the others 4 song didnt mean that i dont like it.
Im just......I'm just... I haven't got any feelings of the other 4 songs yet.
But I know they are AWESOME.
k. bye :)
2ne1 | via Tumblr

- End -

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

This is love.

When someone loves you, you will know it. If someone cares about you, they will find a way to be with you. If they do not, they’ll make excuses. Sometimes they won’t even be sure whether or not they love you, so you’ll see them going back and forth trying to figure it out. Love is not something that requires brain work. It is not a riddle to be solved or a mystery to be uncovered. It just simply is, and we just have to let it be, or not be, naturally.

We’re all on different rides, but they all end the same way. You do not need somebody else’s love to be whole. You do not need their permission to go on with your life. What you do need is your own love. You need to let yourself go on. Their love isn’t stopping you, because that love doesn’t exist. It is only you who is holding onto what you believe should be. And what you will realize, sooner or later, is that most of your life is defined and chosen by what you compel yourself to believe should or shouldn’t be. Release yourself from the cage you built. You hold the key to your own freedom.

I believe that we all deserve to be with someone who wants to be with us as well.

- End -

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dear 지용오빠

권지용야 T^T
Please let me meet you please..
I know you will come to Malaysia on 16 March with YB, SR.
I hope I can go there, but I've got the important exam this year...
That's super impossible to meet you guys:(
My birthday is on 14 March!!!!!!! 
If I can go there, it will be my greatest gift on the planet :)

This video makes me want to cry :')

I hope you guys will come to Malaysia again,
and I promise I will meet you :D
♥ 사랑합니다 

- End -

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chilli, chilled.

Something happened in Chinese class today, YeeXuan, JiaMin, and I witness all the thing.
Only us, know where's the 笑点 of 辣椒, 
and that just cant make me stop to laugh.
Oh my gosh!
ily HUI YING :)
*idk why i felt bad*

"辣椒, 越来越多人爱吃"
New legend of my year!
Yay! :D

- End -

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chinese New Year 2014

Hi !!!!!!!
I update 2 post today hahhaha~

So how was your holidays? :)
Mine? Not bad larr~
When we reached AhMa's house,
I helped my mum to decorate the house.
And this is what I did.
Not bad right? xD hahhaha~

About7pm, we started our reunion dinner!
I love what my family do for the reunion dishes.
We also got steambot for our dinner :D
Arghhh I love food!!!!!! I miss that moment so so so so so so so so much!

I still remember I'm the last one who leave the table.

on ChuXiYe (12:00am) we can see the 30minutes fireworks!
but this year, the fireworks just performed 15minutes only :(( idk why..

and I sleep early this year, i went bed about 1:00am
but 以前 i went bed about 3am or 4am you know!
because of chinese's traditional, we sleep lately mean that our parents' will live longevity.
:( 好可惜啊~~~

ChuYi, we woke up quite late this year.
It is because we woke up 8am before, but this year I woke up on 10am!
I felt so weird because Im not the only one who woke up so late in CNY.
And we started visit relatives house about 11:20am?
So WEIRD ! we never visit them so late you know!

(AhMa's house, look at the background, 很有新年的fu~勒)

Oh! We also visit auntie's house this year! Yep, for the first time.

Ignore my face there-.- *awkward smile*

Chu1 night,
we started gambling!
Ah Boy was fooling RongZheng because he saw RZphone's wallpaper is TaeYeon, 
and I just cant stop laughing!!!
Ah Boy: "We bring the boys out~xD" *he dance*


ChuEr is quite boring btw. We stayed at home all the time!

Me and TongTong! The 4D number couple.
6887 / 8768 hahahahhahaha

We went to Rambah today!

Our camera cannot captured the moment when we're jumping.

My cousin took this.

That's all :)

- End -


不是说很痛, 也不是痛, 还okay啦....

YuJie不懂从哪里听来, 一进门就和我们全班说 "下课过后要去bilik kesihatan打针".

我们就一起去bilik kesihatan打针,
分了深蓝色的书(什么buku kesihatan?), 分班排队坐, 等着排队进去咯

ermm.. 可怜Aman阿~ 那只手小到~ 不懂打针会不会痛horr?

里面有2个护士, 都是男的-.- 马来人.
她们都说右边的比较帅, 要给右边的打...

看她们被注入针的时候, 脸部表情很像很~痛酱
然后我又看左边那个打好像比较厉害, 所以站过去那个比较没有那么帅的啦-.-
我前面Sharon, 后面XiuYing.
以插队就插在第2位了 , 哈哈哈哈!

怕得我一直跳跳跳, 走来走去
他就讲 "Eh...Jgn takut... relax~~~~"
我 "阿阿阿阿阿阿~~~:((("
他 "tarik nafas kuat kuat"
我打了不会痛的勒! 真的!! :D

回到班, 各自说各自的痛.
Aishhhhhhh~ 他们都说右边那个拿针都拿到发抖阿xD
不止LiLing被打2次, Anjaz也是...哈哈哈哈哈!
不懂那个右边的做么勒, 2个人都种2次-.-
果然是"人不可貌相"阿~ 帅是没有用的xDD

虽然还有红点, 但是没有很痛, 只是麻麻罢了
为了放上blog, 我还去和黄ChuHan借tissue放我的"血"

- End -