Sunday, March 2, 2014

Exam D-Day.

Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) about your exam?
Today is our first day of the exam in this year. BM and Geo.
Geo is quite easy larrr~
BUT!!!!!!!! I'm super careless in 1 or 2 question!!! Arghhhh >.<
I read the question but not the whole question...Yep, you know that.
So I "blacked" the wrong answer and feeling proud of myself ((lol
but when my classmates discuss the question.. I baru tau I buat salah.
Pengajaran dari cerita yang ditunjukkan di atas meangajar kita bahawa tidak boleh bersikap sombong.
too much ego will kill your talent
We finished our paper on 9am(something?) and the next paper (BM) is on 11:30am

Did you know that feeling like you're just only can sitting there and dont know what to do, and what can you read, and you just sitting there like a stone and sometimes are like a crawling insect that "crawling" on the table trying to sleep, waiting for 11:30am..ermm....I hate that feeling. 
Somebody was already sleeping after they passed up the Geo paper , somebody was chit-chatting, and somebody was reading book, somebody walking round and round the class to investigate what are the others guys reading about.... Boredom is killing us.

When I'm trying to sleep...there's a teacher come in.
Puan Low. (pronounce Lau not low)
She is my tuition teacher, she is really good at teaching Science. 
She looks fierce sometimes, especially when she's in school. HahahhaxD 
But she's a very funny teacher that I've ever seen.

She told us, the whole class, to stand because she's gonna give us some quiz about Science.
If you can answer her question correctly, then you can sit.
All of us are berebut-rebut untuk answer her question.
About 6 people left that who is still standing and the rest of us are already sit.
The 6 people is YeeXuan, Raihana, HuiYing, Radzi, Zikri and Aman.
Teacher said that who is the latest one to sit must sing "Negaraku".
All of are very excited to help the girls because I know that Zikri and Aman are reaaaaallly love to sing.
YeeXuan is the first one to sit among the 6 people, then is Radzi, Raihana...
Teacher : apakah ruang2 yg terdapat dalam jantung.
sugarcubeKri raised his hand.
and said proudly(i think)...He said about something like arteri pulmonari? And the answer is wrong xD
me and all the girls : ehhh Hui Ying Hui Ying! Cepat, kuai dian, jawab...
then Hui Ying got the right answer.
Girls are finally safe :D

Teacher told us to stand up because Aman and Zikri is going to sing "Negaraku"
Awwwwwwwwww.... suara Aman is so cute :3
I cant stop laughing when they're singing the song. 
They always doing something very funny in our class. :)
sorry about that Aman and Zikri if you're reading this, i didnt mean anything, this is all because you guys are too funny. That's all.

Tmr got Eng, KH and Science!
Wish me luck!

- Bye -

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